Saturday, January 19, 2008

First Foods

We just started Brooklyn on Solids. I use a spoon and she gets her own spoon. Somehow her food gets everywhere. She usually gets a bath right after. She is the messiest kid ever. How in the heck do you spell messiest? (Chandler High graduate)


Joe and Laura said...

I keep looking at her and she really looks like your mom's side, she is so cute, and yes the most active girl I've ever met.

Mindful Mothering said...

Love the mess! Keri you are MY inspiration! Working out that much and no dairy or sugar. I haven't been that motivated yet, but I will get there :-)

Kasey said...

15 pounds?!?! That's awesome! I lose like 5 pounds every month. I so need to cime over and look at your book! Saturday was fun. WE need to do it more often for sure!

Rich Angie said...

Brooky Lynn is seriously so cute! I think La's right...she looks just like me!

And I think she just might be cursed with the adult ADD later on too...

Heidi said...

She is so flippin cute!! I heard you are doing awesome.. keep it up. Oh, and you have been tagged..check my blog for the info.