Wednesday, April 30, 2008

You Know You've Given up On Being the Perfect Mom When....

...Meal time consists of cheerios being eaten off the living room floor. decide that sporting just a diaper is a lot easier than five outfit changes a day. think you always hear a baby crying yet when your driving in the car you can always tune out the real thing.

...after picking up a few toys you decide that is your workout for the day. wipe down your childs face with a wet cloth and consider it a bath.

...showering yourself becomes an option. start thinking that one child is enough.

Let me know what other ones you ladies have. I know you have tons of them.


Rich Angie said...

You KNOW I needed this today! Thanks for the laugh ;)

Here's a few of my faves:
~You beg your child to take a nap so you can sleep at the same time.
~You change your spit up-drenched clothes more times in the day than you change your kid.
~You slather on teething gel at your kid’s first shriek only to realize your child was just “talking”.
~You try to reason with a 5-month-old (“You’re fed and changed, now there’s no reason to be crying, is there?”)
~You call your best friend daily to make sure she’s screwing up as much as you are so you don’t feel like the worst mom in the world ;)

brooksybabe said...

I love it Ang. I am feeling more normal already.

Kami said...

agreed! And, wiping yourself down with a few wipees is shower enough. (just make sure you get the arm pits)

The Tate's said...

That is great!! I seriously could put a check mark by each one of those!

Katrina said...

I found you blog! I can definately ditto all of those. Hope you are feeling better.

What's for dinner? said...

you'll get this one later...
- you bypass a major tantum and let your child dress themsleves and go out in public.
- when you leave the house and nobody has showered, done their hair and has sticky hands and a messy face....I used to swear I'd never do that!

Rhoton Fam... said...

These are so funny and I have no doubt true! In a couple years I'll probably have a few for you!

Mindful Mothering said...

Ditto that :-)

Lacey T said...

Letting your nearly 3 yr old wear his beloved spiderman snowboots EVERYWHERE, even though you bought him $35 Skechers!

Lacey T said...

And I forgot to mention this. Today, we bought him some camo rain boots just so we didn't have to see spidey as much! I don't like either of these, but a little variety is better, right...? I don't know where the obsession with boots came from. I think for his b-day, he'll be receiving some REAL boots!

Madame Mauri said...

I love your sense of humor!!That is so funny. I think you said all the ones that I have. Thanks for the laugh!!

Heidi said...

I love u... that is so funny!!
How about when u r too tired to fight with your 4 year old to brush his teeth at night and you tell yourself.. ah heck, skip it, they're not his permanent teeth.. let'em rot..!!
or how about when u r at teaching tools buying your child some educational resources and he throws a temper tantrum because he wants the dinosaur game that is for 8 yr olds and you tell the people in the store that he is not your child, you are just helping a friend and you wish they would learn to discipline their ya that happened today.. good times!

gotslotsakids said...

That is sooo cute and you sooo nailed it on the head! You really got this mom thing figured out!! I still think one child is enough...but oh, too late!!
oops :)

gotslotsakids said...

That is sooo cute and you sooo nailed it on the head! You really got this mom thing figured out!! I still think one child is enough...but oh, too late!!
oops :)