Saturday, June 7, 2008

Getting Ready for Church

Church will never be the same, unless I start going by myself. Brooklyn is a true menace at church. I know, you are all looking at that angel face wondering why I think that sweet child is a maniac. Mack has taken her home early from church the last two Sundays. If I was sitting on Dr. Phil's show he would ask me "Who is the parent here?" How about I just do the run through on Brooklyn's day at church. The first 10 minutes are spent on either Mack's or my lap. She is just looking around enjoying the scenery. I actually think she is scoping out what she is going to destroy. She then decides that she wants down. At this time she proceeds to chase after other childrens toys. She will either hit them, push them, or poke them. If you have seen my child, she is no bully she just goes for what she wants in a very excited way. She gets into other peoples bags, pulls on clothing. She steals bows off other little girls. She yells randomly and calls everyone baby. She thinks all of this is so funny. She is smiling and laughing the whole time. Where are me and Mack the whole time during this fiasco you ask. Chasing after her, and as she sees us approach she books if for the other direction. We never hear who talks, ward business or even open up a hymn book unless we want the pages ripped out. Church will never be the same.


Kami said...

I have gotten used to the fact that I will not actually learn/listen to anything at church for a goo ten or fifteen years... oh well. I wasn't that great of a listener anyway.

Kasey said...

But she looks real pretty! ♥

Rich Angie said...

Brooklyn's a good girl, you leave her alone!

Doesn't it make you want another...?

The Tate's said...

Our Sundays sound real similar to that!! One Sunday we got through the first 15 mintues of church and I was so excited. I didnt catch a word but at least I wasn't out in the hall.

Jeppesen Family said...

Good to know we aren't the only ones! We don't even bother going into the chapel anymore. We just stay in the foyer. Or even worse, pick an empty classroom to hang out in. If you find something that works, let us know!!!

Jennifer said...

Isn't it so fun being a parent??!!

Madame Mauri said...

HA HA HA HA! I bet all of the other people in church love Brooklyn because she can entertain them if they are bored. Come on, we've all been there where we LOOK for a baby to watch and entertain us during church. :)

Brian and Shawntel Ashcroft Family said...

I found your link on Jared and Sarah's page.. I love your page.

1/2 the weeks Brian and I just show up to church after scrament is over so we can just send the kids to primary and nursery and try to get something out of the rest of church... We hope all is well with your family.