Thursday, July 3, 2008

BIrthday Girl on the Loose!

It finally happened, Brooklyn turned one. I never thought the day would come. Let's be honest I have not been looking forward to this day. It just means my baby is becoming a little girl. Not only that after a kid turns one in the mormon world the questions start coming about the second child. So let me just get it out there so there is no more questions. No, we are not planning on a second for a few more years. But just be glad I have thought about a second. If you are wondering why the wait just look up my name in the Guiness world book of records for the worst births ever and you will understand why.

I truly was the proudest mom ever getting the house cleaned and decorating this week. Finally I am the mom of the kid with the Birthday. She had so much fun playing with her cousins all day. After everyone left she wouldn't take a nap because she was so riled up. (Is riled a word - my dad always said that and let's be honest he went to Chandler High so it might not mean anything.)

My dad stopped by later with a gift from him and my mom. It was a shopping cart. Me and Mack gave her a riding toy. Well, we gave her both big gifts at the same time so for about 30 minutes she pulled and pushed both of them together at the same time. She is a woman who wants it all.


Kasey said...

Happy birthday sweetie pie!

Madame Mauri said...

Brooklyn sure is a cutie! I like the picture with your niece holding the toy on the couch. It's only funny because of what you told me. :) Hey at least if she wants to pull both toys at the same time, it might slow her down a bit.....Na! :)

Joe and Laura said...

wat, she's 1? craziness, since when does she walk. hmm, I'm pretty sure I haven't seen you in about 3+ months, so I think it's time to be friends again, now that my 'away' period is up. girls day w/ the kids @ angie's anyone?

Jennifer said...

Happy birthday Brooklyn! So...when is the next one coming? HAHAHA Ok, so you probably didn't think that was funny.

jon♥kara said...

How exciting ONE years old! Looks like she had quite the party. You are such a loving mommy. I don't blame you for waiting a while I was just at my sister inlaws delivery and her's wasn't even bad and it scared me.

Crow Family said...

Hey girl! I finally made a blog (still learning though) I love reading yours! Brooklyn's too cute! My new blog

Rhoton Fam... said...

Oh my gosh! She has gotten so big! She is adorable!! Happy Birthday!!!!!

Mindful Mothering said...

Fun times! It is hard to believe she is already one:-)

Rich Angie said...

happy birthday brooky lynn! she's such a good girl...

1 said...

She's Adorable!! Nice to see you again, even if it's just online ;)


1 said...

She's Adorable!! Nice to see you again, even if it's just online ;)


1 said...

She's Adorable!! Nice to see you again, even if it's just online ;)


1 said...

She's Adorable!! Nice to see you again, even if it's just online ;)


Kami said...

We are old. Happy Birthday!

Christi said...

I can't believe she's already 1! I remember when she was first born and you brought her to church!! Goes by WAY too fast.

Heidi said...

sooo cute! and i love the comment about riled & ur dad.. u crack me up!

Unknown said...

Hey cutie! Thanks for your comment on my blog! I don't check it very often, sorry it took so long to get back to you. You have a beautiful family and a darling baby!! Craig & Kelly just had a little girl. Check out their blog! I miss you too! Take care and enjoy motherhood! Just to let you know.... grandmotherhood is better.
love, shelly haggarton

Nuestra Familia said...

Happy super late birthday, I was watching Brooklyn's little movie and Gracie said "mine" she wants her toys.
How fun, she totally loves both of those toys the same so she had to play with both. she is so adorable.