Friday, October 24, 2008

Some Fun Facts

I’ve been tagged by Swimming! The way this works is, I answer the following questions with single word responses, and pass the award on to 7 other bloggers:

1. Where is your cell phone? purse
2. Where is your significant other? bed
3. Your hair color? blonde
4. Your mother? sneaky
5. Your father? wise
6. Your favorite thing? Brooklyn
7. Your dream last night? aliens
8. Your dream/goal? health
9. The room your in? office
10. Your hobby? cleaning
11. Your fear? crazy
12. Where do you want to be in six years? vacation
13. Where were you last night? couch
14. What you’re not? shy
15. One of your wish list items? mustang
16. Where you grew up? Chandler
17. The last thing you did? ate
18. What are you wearing? keepitclean
19. Your T.V.? off
20. Your pet? dead
21. Your computer? updated
22. Your mood? sleepy
23. Missing someone? No
24. Your car? clean
25. Something you’re not wearing? ring
26. Favorite store? target
27. Your Summer? hot
28. Love someone? Mack
29. Your favorite color? pink
30. When is the last time you laughed? tonight
31. Last time you cried? UHM?

I tag: Kasey, Mock, Lala, Carrie, Sarah, Heidi, Rachel


Joe and Laura said...

how fun, I just did it, I miss you, let's hang.

Nuestra Familia said...

Fav. cleaning? i need to do some of that right now, chau

shay said...

Keri your still as hilarious as ever! Your daughter looks just like you. You know what I pulled out yesterday after running into you....that way awesome story you wrote for me way back in computer class. It's sure to be a classic! I should send you a copy. TTYL.