I got a phone call from an old mission companion (Chesney) who lectured me a little bit on updating my blog. So here I am. Life has been a little crazy. Macks brother got married so for about a month and a half we were either in St. David or Mack's family was here. Sometimes I wish his family lived here. I actually have great inlaws.
A few scary things happened to me these last couple of months. I had a really good friend of mine attempt suicide twice. I found her in her home after the second attempt and it was a very scary thing. She called me that afternoon and told me that she didn't feel good. I rushed over and found her in bed and called the police. They were there within minutes. One of the paramedics told me that if she was there another half hour she would not have made it. One of the police officers kept questioning me about the phone call. They kept telling me that there was no possible way she could have called me. I had to show them the phones to prove it. Someone called me. There was a lot of things that happened that were unexplainable. There must have been a guardian angel looking out for her. My friend is doing so much better. She has been going back to church and trying to get her life back.
I also just got a new calling which I am so excited for. They made me the new Enrichment leader. I don't know how I will do as leader but I love planning parties and events.
Brooklyn is going to be two in a few months and I am not sure how I feel about that. She is a wild one. She keeps putting stuff in the most random places. I found a smashed up chocolate chip cookie in the dishwahser soap dispenser, I find my makeup in the laundry basket, my hairspray on the book shelf. I still can't find my other set of keys, and she always hides her toothbrush. She hates getting her teeth brushed and so she knows if I can't find it she doesn't get her teeth brushed. I have found her toothbrush in drawers, under the sink, buried in her toy box and under my bed. How do you handle a child that is smarter than you?
Thanks for the post! :) Hope your friend is doing well on the road to recovery!
I'm so glad for an update! Brooklyn is her mother's child. A mind of her own. She knows what she wants and is not afraid to show it. Love that girl! You'll like 2, except they just get more sassy! But she'll start saying the funnest things that'll crack you up for days!
About time! Glad you're such a good friend and that J is doing better. She's so lucky to have you! I can't believe our Brooky is going to be 2 soon...how did that happen?! Your funeral...
Whoa that is scary. Keri saves the day again. Good job. If you figure out the last thing, let me know!
Ummm Speaking of Keri saves the day, where were you in Provo at 3:00 in the morning when I was cornered in a room with shaky legs??
You are an awesome enrichment leader!!! I'm so glad we have you around. You make life so fun!
I'm so sorry to hear about your friend. I hope she is doing better. I'm glad you are excited about your new calling! I can't believe Brooklyn is going to be 2! She is so adorable!!!
Thanks for the update! Brooklyn is so dang cute!
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