Mack is just cute! He doesn't talk much but I make up for that. He is just a good old red neck country boy. How we ended up together is a mystery. I feel very lucky to be married to Mack. He is so good to me and is such a great dad to our daughter. I love that he wants to be so involved with her. He is such a hard worker and I feel blessed to be able to stay at home with Brooklyn. Mack is all about the family. He has turned down many things just so he could be with his family, except for hunting season, if I had given birth during hunting season I would have had to just text him some pictures. Mack is a handyman too and if he can't fix it he will figure it out. Thanks for marrying me Mack.

My Dad is going to kill me for posting this picture. Many of you know Greg and I have to admit he is one of the greatest men I have ever known. He is so smart and wise. I call him every day and ask him the dumbest questions. Guaranteed he will know the answer too. He is so kind and giving and is the greatest example of service. Every time I talk to him he is helping someone or on his way to do so, yet he always has a few minutes to talk with you and makes you feel like you are the most important person in the world. He gives the best hugs. He also has the funniest sense of humor. He is hilarious. I think I might have the greatest dad in the world. Go Chandler Wolves!!!

What's Greg gonna do? Beat ya up?!?! =)
You do have some great men in your life. I agree though, how you and Mack ended up together is a total mystery. But you can say the thing think about Rocky. He's way nicer than I am!
aw, that's just cute!!
you and mack complement each other VERY well!!
he he he! Love the pics! So fun! You're right Mack and your dad are the COOLEST! You forgot to post that Mack is a big softie who tries to be tough. :) good thing we know the real Mack! ;) Love the pic of your dad, evidence to how fun he is!!
I love Greg. Funniest pics. I love Go Chandler Wolves...it makes me laugh every time!
AWWWW... so sweet! Hey it was good to see you the other night! We'll have to do it again some time :-)
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