You would never believe it but Brooklyn swallowed this ring. I was in the kitchen making breakfast when I heard her making the wierdest sound. I ran to check on her and found her sticking her fingers down her throat. I didn't know what she was doing. I soon realized she was choking and tried to look in her mouth and couldn't see what it was. I knew she had swallowed it. I threw her upside down and pounded on her back. After a few tries with nothing happening I went into panic mode. I called the police and while they were on their way I kept her upside down and pounded on her back. Finally she threw up the ring and a lot of blood. She just layed there in my arms and stared at me. I was hysterical. A very nice police officer came followed by the paramedics. They were wonderful. They checked her out and said she was fine. I spent the rest of the day crying off and on thinking about what could have happened. This mom thing is an emotional roller coaster. Needless to say I have gone through all of Brooklyns toys and thrown anything away that I thought she could even fit in her mouth. Paranoid? Maybe, but I don't want to go through that again.
Max choked on a ring when he was smaller too. I pounded so hard on his back that I left hand bruises. I finally got it out though. KIDS!
You are not paranoid! Don't worry.
What a stinker! Doesn't it make you crazy that you think they are over doing stuff like that and then put weird crap in their mouth? How in the world?!?! I'm glad you got her to choke it up. That is not fun. Todd did that on a chicken nugget before. It was not fun!
Oh Keri how scary. On the bright side, at least you have a fashionable ring to wear now...just wash it please.
Oh wow! How scary. I'm really sorry both of you had to go through that. I would have cried too!
So scary!! We went through all our toys after that happened too. So glad she's OK!
so sad! I am glad that everything is okay. and you are not paranoid. i think all mothers have had a moment like that!
So Scary!!! I am so glad little Brooklyn is alright though.
OMG!!!! That could have been worse! Way to go on the quick thinking! things happen but kids are resiliant!
So happy you got that thing out of her, it's huge! Quick thinking. One time that happened with Mario and eating pbj sandwich, It was all stuck in him and I was lucky Pete happened to be home.
Yikes!! Seriously, toooo scary for me. I'm so glad she is okay!
that ring is huge, I can't believe she swallowed it. But what do I know about kids? That is so scary. Good job with the pounding.
HOLY. I am so sorry! Kaylie had a serious choking moment a few months ago. Paramedics were called and she had to go to the ER> Scared the crap out of me. Thankfully the Lord watches over our little (and not so little) babies.
oh.my.gosh. seriously, i would have lost it. way to follow your mommy instincts. i worry about my baby choking on her own spit, let alone toys! you are not paranoid!
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