This was one of our many great family parties that took place this year. Our Brooks Family Christmas Party was awesome. Great food and fun games. This is my cousin Molly who currently lives in Paris and is down for the holidays. She is holding my sweet nephew Joshua. Molly recently lectured me about four times during our party that I do not blog enough. I completely agree and I promised her that I would do better. So here is a good start. Merry Christmas Everyone!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The Intense Bean Bag Toss!!!! I did not win.

The Line for great food. (Why is Gregg always the first one?)

The Talent Show.

Our famous runway models Gregg, Mindy and Ryan Brooks

Hey - who invited the crazy lady with the antlers? Oh thats just my grandma. But really who invited her?

The Clean up crew - Thanks Leslie!!!!!!
How fun! I LOVE family get-togethers. I love your new background and header btw!!
missing pictures of YOU!! I need to see pictures of... You, Mack and Brooklyn (in no particular order!) :)
Haha awww you're so sweet. I did get a little intese with scolding your blogging habits but I love seeing your family grow. You guys are so great and it was so awesome to see you!!
I'm glad Molly lectured you. Maybe you will blog more often. It was sure great to see everyone. Too bad it seems to be only once a year lately.
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